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5 Best mutton kadai recipe easy mutton karahi recipe at home


Simple Mutton gosht kadai recipe easy mutton kadai recipe

Simple Mutton gosht kadai recipe

We brought you a lot of delicious Simple Mutton Karahi Recipe.

This Simple Mutton kadai Recipe will be very beneficial for a beginners because it took us a long time to make this Simple Mutton kadai and we have brought it for you. An e

Full preparation time

 10 minutes

 Cooking time

 25 minutes

 For how many people

 4 people


Ingredients of simple mutton kadai

 1 kg of chicken or goat meat

 2 cups of oil

 3 onions a number

 4 tomatoes two pieces

 5 crushed garlic ginger

 6 Two tablespoons

 7 teaspoons salt

 8 teaspoons red ground pepper

 9 roasted coriander and roasted cumin

 10 and a half tablespoons

 11 ginger long finely chopped two tablespoons

 12 chopped peppers 1 teaspoon

 13 green coriander for decoration

 14 Lemon juice

How to make Homemade Mutton Kadai

 1 First heat the oil and fry the onion

 2 Then add chicken and fry

 3 Lightly golden then add ginger garlic paste


4 Lightly fry and add finely chopped tomatoes.


5 Then add salt, red pepper, roasted chopped coriander and cumin, chopped ginger and thick chopped black pepper, add lemon juice at the end and cover the tail and leave for ten minutes.


6 Add green coriander before extracting

 7 Dhaba frying pan is ready

Simple Mutton kadai recipe easy Mutton kadai recipe

Simple Mutton kadai recipe

We brought you a lot of delicious Simple Mutton Karahi Recipe.

This Simple Mutton kadai Recipe will be very beneficial for a beginners because it took us a long time to make this Simple Mutton kadai and we have brought it for you. An e

Full preparation time

 30 minutes

 Cooking time

 40 minutes

 For how many people

 8 people




Ingredients of simple mutton kadai

 1 kg of meat

 2 raw papaya paste 1 tbsp

 3 red chilli powder 1 tbsp

 4 onions 2 pieces (cut into slices)

 5 garlic ginger paste 1 tbsp

 6 tomatoes (chop) 3 pieces

 7 cumin (chopped) 1 teaspoon

 8 whole coriander (chopped) 1 teaspoon

 9 hot spices (chopped) 1/2 teaspoon

 10 lemon juice 2 tbsp

 11 green peppers for garnishing

 12 Salt to taste

 13 1/2 cup oil

How to make Homemade Mutton Kadai

1 In bowl add meat, raw papaya paste, salt, red chilli powder, tomato, garlic, ginger paste, chopped cumin, chopped coriander, chopped hot spices and lemon juice and mix for 1 hour.

2 Heat oil in a saucepan, add onion and fry

 3 When golden, add the meat and mix, cover and cook over medium heat

 4 When the water is dry, fry

5 When the oil starts to separate, add green chillies and take them off the stove

 6 Take out in a serving dish and serve

Simple mutton kadai recipe easy Mutton kadai recipe

Simple Mutton kadai Recipe

We brought you a lot of delicious Simple Mutton Karahi Recipe.

This Simple Mutton kadai Recipe will be very beneficial for a beginners because it took us a long time to make this Simple Mutton kadai and we have brought it for you. An e

Full preparation time

 25 minutes

 Cooking time

 45 minutes

 For how many people

 5 people


Ingredients of simple mutton kadai

 1 kg of goat meat

 2 salt to taste

 3 garlic cloves eight to ten pieces

 4 ginger two inch piece

 5 tomatoes 5 to 6 pieces

 6 tablespoons crushed red pepper

 7 chopped pepper half a teaspoon

 8 large green chillies 4 to 5 pieces

 9 green coriander half a bale

 10 Half a cup of cooking oil

How to make Homemade Mutton Kadai

 1 Wash and keep the meat clean, cut off the tomato heads and crush the garlic and put it in half a cup of water.

 2 Put coking oil in a frying pan and crush half a piece of ginger in it and cover it with meat and tomatoes.

 3 Cook over low heat until the meat melts in its own water and becomes a tomato paste.

 4 Then increase the heat, add black pepper, red pepper and salt and fry along with garlic water.

 5 When all the ingredients are combined, add finely chopped ginger, green chillies and finely chopped green coriander and put on the tail over low heat. When the ghee separates, take it off the stove.

Simple Mutton kadai recipe easy Mutton kadai at_home

Simple Mutton kadai recipe

We brought you a lot of delicious Simple Mutton Karahi Recipe.

This Simple Mutton kadai Recipe will be very beneficial for a beginners because it took us a long time to make this Simple Mutton kadai and we have brought it for you. An e

Full preparation time

 25 minutes

 Cooking time

 45 minutes

 For how many people

 4 people

Ingredients of simple mutton kadai

 1 kg of goat meat

 2 salt to taste

 3 proven ginger garlic 40 grams

 4 medium onions

 5 cups of yogurt

 6 teaspoons crushed red pepper

 7 teaspoons crushed pepper

 8 two to three tablespoons of cooking oil

How to make Homemade Mutton Kadai

1 Crush garlic and put it in a quarter of water. Finely chop the ginger.

 2 Fry finely chopped onion in cooking oil till it becomes slightly soft, then add meat and fry on high heat till golden.

3 Add chopped yogurt, salt and garlic along with water and cook on low heat till the meat is melted.

 4 When the meat is melted, add red pepper and black pepper and fry well. Add cooking oil as well.

 5 Finally sprinkle ginger and put it on the tail over low heat.

Simple mutton gosht kadai recipe easy mutton kadai recipe at home

Simple Mutton kadai Recipe

We brought you a lot of delicious Simple Mutton Karahi Recipe.

This Simple Mutton kadai Recipe will be very beneficial for a beginners because it took us a long time to make this Simple Mutton kadai and we have brought it for you. An e

Full preparation time

 20 minutes

 Cooking time

 45 minutes

 For how many people

 6 people


Ingredients of simple mutton kadai

 1 kg of mutton

 2 yogurt one pound

 3 tablespoons garlic paste

 4 cups of oil

 5 teaspoons red pepper (chopped)

 6 turmeric powder one to two teaspoons

 7 Salt to taste

 8 teaspoons coriander powder

 9 teaspoons cumin powder

 10 green chillies (finely chopped) 4 pieces

 11 green coriander as required

How to make Homemade Mutton Kadai

 1 Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the meat.

 2 Add red pepper, salt, turmeric and coriander.

 3 After frying for a few minutes, mix the yoghurt with the coriander powder and add two glasses of water to the meat.

 4 When the water is dry, when the meat is melted, mix green chillies and cumin powder and fry for five minutes. When the oil starts coming up, turn off the stove. Delicious mutton curd

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